Should you use influencers on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube?
There is no one-size-fits-all campaign when it comes to targeting buyers. One of the keys to successful influencer marketing is using the right channel to reach the right audience.
Our team of experts will always tailor campaigns and pick the best channels to maximise reach of your brand.
Our team of experts is always up to date with the latest trends and audience preferences on each platform to ensure your content resonates and drives engagement.
So you could say we're really good at targeting audiences with the content they like on the platform they use.
Humongous database, check ✔ .
More than 10 filters to segment by, check ✔
We can filter based on follower location, their and followers gender, interests and keywords they use. So you can be sure we'll find the best ones for your brand.
Influencers don't like being outreached with bad Google translations.
That's why our team consists of our own native speakers for 20 target markets, which allows for a much better partnership, dialogue and ultimately collaboration when communicating with influencers.
You're expending to a new country, that's amazing! And you know you need influencer marketing to introduce your products to a new country.
Not only do we find the best influencers for this market, we also provide you with the content you need to run successful ads that perform 6.7x better than traditional product photos.